Sunday, December 20, 2015

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence With On Student Achievement

In the midst of increasing competition in the world of education today, it is natural that students are often concerned about the failure or lack of success in the achievement of learning or even fear of repetition.

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence With On Student Achievement - A lot of the work done by the students for achievement of learning in order to be the best as follow tutoring. Such efforts clearly positive, but there are still other factors not less important in achieving success in addition to intelligence or intellectual prowess, these factors are emotional intelligence. Because intellectual intelligence alone does not provide preparation for individuals to face the turbulence, opportunities or difficulties and life. With emotional intelligence, the individual is able to know and respond to their own feeling well and able to read and face the feelings of others effectively.

Individuals with well-developed emotional skills means that most likely he will succeed in life and have the motivation to excel. While individuals can not hold control over his emotional life will experience inner battles that damage their ability to focus on their tasks and have a clear mind.

A report from the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs (1992) stated that success in school is not foreseen by a collection of facts a student or his premature ability to read, but by measures of emotional and social: namely in yourself and have an interest; know the patterns of behavior that is expected of others and how to control the impulse to misbehave; is able to wait, follow the instructions and referring to the teachers to seek help; and expressing needs while hanging out with other students. Almost all the students were poor school performance, according to the report, does not have one or more elements of emotional intelligence (regardless of whether they also have cognitive difficulties such as learning kertidakmampuan). (Goleman, 2002: 273).

Research Walter Mischel (1960) on "marsmallow challenge" at Stanford University showed children at the age of four years is able to delay the impulse, after graduating high school, academically more competent, more able to organize ideas logically, seta has a passion to learn more high. They scored significantly higher on SAT tests than children who are not able to delay the impulse (in Goleman, 2002: 81).

Individuals who have high levels of emotional intelligence is better, can become more skilled at calming themselves quickly, rarely contracted the disease, more skilled in focus, better in dealing with others, more competent in understanding others and for academic work at school better (Gottman, 2001: xvii).

Emotional basic skills can not be possessed of a sudden, but needs to learn and environmental processes in the form of emotional intelligence is a big influence. The positive thing would be obtained if the children are taught the basic skills of emotional intelligence, emotionally it would be intelligent, understanding, easy to accept feelings and more experience in solving the problem itself, so that when the teenager will be more successful in school and in touch with colleagues peers and will be protected from risks such as drugs, delinquency, violence and unsafe sex (Gottman, 2001: 250).

From the above it can be concluded that emotional intelligence is one important factor that should be possessed by students who have a need to achieve better learning achievement at school ..

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